How to write Search Engine Optimized articles

What is the aim of the article you wish to write? Do you want your article to come up regularly on searches? If this is what you want, then you should know how to write Search Engine Optimized (SEO) articles.

Search engine optimized articles photo
Photo by JoshMacDonald

Search Engine Optimized articles are a pattern of article writing, where your target is to get your article displayed, as often as possible in search results. SEO are written with definite keywords in mind. Check out some examples of SEO articles here . With this understood, you can write your SEO articles following the steps below.

Firstly you need to decide what your chosen content is. When writing an article always remember to write on a topic you can freely write and enjoy. Secondly, decide your definite keywords. You can be writing on the same topic but SEO requires you to decide on words or phrases that are common in search engines. You should decide for high ranking words.

Thirdly, make your key words spread into the articles especially they should be in your topic, first paragraph and last paragraph. While you endure these steps don’t forget a well written, simple article will be welcoming for its readers. When you do this the chances of your article hitting the screen of the searchers will be high.

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